Design Electric Knife

• Alwaysplacefoodtobeslicedonawoodenorplasticcuttingboard.Donotslicefood
on china, metal or bench tops, as scratching may occurs.
• Use the multifunctional blade for cutting meat and bread and the wavy blade for cutting
vegetable, fruit, cakes and alike.
• Guide blades through food. A sawing action is not necessary. So not force blades
through food.
• Tomaintainthesharpnessofblades,donotcutthroughbones,fruitpipsorstonesorany
other hard substances.
• Forbestresultswhencarvingmeatandpoultryallowcookedmeattostandfor10-15
minutes before slicing. This allows the juices to set and makes carving easier and neater.
• Beforecarvingmeatorchicken,removeskewers.Ifdesired,stringmaybeleftaroundthe
meat whilst carving. The use of carving fork to steady the meat assists in carving straight,
even slices.
• Donotattempttosharpenblades.
WARNING: To avoid injury to persons and damage, always release the on button, wait
for the motor to stop completely and unplug the appliance, immediately after operation and
before assembling/dismantling or cleaning the appliance.
The blades of the knife are very sharp! Do not touch the blades. To handle the blades,
always hold on to the safety guide.
CAUTION: DO NOT place the handle or power cord in an automatic dish-
washer. Do not immerse the motor or power cord in any liquids or spill any
liquids on it or place the motor on wet surfaces. Always wipe off spilled liquids
Do not use abrasive cleaners, cleaning pads, corrosive chemicals (disinfectants, bleach) or
any sharp or hard objects (i.e. metal scouring pads) for cleaning, for this could damage the
surfaces. Always handle the entire appliance with care and without violence.
1. Release the on button, wait for the motor to stop completely, and unplug the appliance
from the power outlet before removing the blades and/or cleaning.
2. Press the blade release buttons with first finger and thumb of one hand. With the other
hand hold the blades by the safety guards with the cutting edge facing downward and pull
the blades out of the slots. Unlock the blades by sliding apart. Always hold the blades by
the shaft end, behind the safety guard, when handling and cleaning.