User Manual

Table Of Contents
Power Fields
Name Description
% FTP The current power output as a percentage of functional threshold power.
3s Avg. Balance The 3-second moving average of the left/right power balance.
3s Avg. Power The 3-second moving average of power output.
10s Avg Balance The 10-second moving average of the left/right power balance.
10s Avg. Power The 10-second moving average of power output.
30s Avg Balance The 30-second moving average of the left/right power balance.
30s Avg. Power The 30-second moving average of power output.
Avg. Balance The average left/right power balance for the current activity.
Avg. L. PP The average power phase angle for the left leg for the current activity.
Average Power The average power output for the current activity.
Avg. R. PP The average power phase angle for the right leg for the current activity.
Avg. L. PPP The average power phase peak angle for the left leg for the current activity.
Avg. PCO The average platform center offset for the current activity.
Avg. R. PPP The average power phase peak angle for the right leg for the current activity.
Balance The current left/right power balance.
Intensity Factor The Intensity Factor
for the current activity.
Lap Balance The average left/right power balance for the current lap.
Lap L. PPP The average power phase peak angle for the left leg for the current lap.
Lap L. PP The average power phase angle for the left leg for the current lap.
Lap NP The average Normalized Power
for the current lap.
Lap PCO The average platform center offset for the current lap.
Lap Power The average power output for the current lap.
Lap R. PPP The average power phase peak angle for the right leg for the current lap.
Lap R. PP The average power phase angle for the right leg for the current lap.
Last Lap NP The average Normalized Power for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Power The average power output for the last completed lap.
Left PPP
The current power phase peak angle for the left leg. Power phase peak is the angle range
over which the rider produces the peak portion of the driving force.
Left PP
The current power phase angle for the left leg. Power phase is the pedal stroke region where
positive power is produced.
Max. Lap Power The top power output for the current lap.
Max Power The top power output for the current activity.
110 Appendix