Install Manual

System Interconnects
Page 3-6 GDL 69/69A Installation Manual
Rev. F 190-00355-02
Audio Out (GDL 69A Only)
The Audio Out provides stereo output for XM radio to be interconnected to an audio panel. The Audio
Out is affected by the volume controls, mute function, and suppression inputs. See Limitations Section
6.2 for requirements on use of suppression inputs.
P691-17 Audio Out Lo. This is the common ground for the audio output
P691-18 Audio Out Right. This is the right channel audio
P691-19 Audio Out Left. This is the left channel audio
Line Out (GDL 69A Only)
The Line Out output is always at a fixed output. The Line Out is not affected by the volume controls,
mute function, and suppression inputs. Support for Line Out was enabled with software version 3.00.
P691-52 Line Out Lo. This is the common ground for the Line Out audio output
P691-53 Line Out Right. This is the right channel audio
P691-54 Line Out Left. This is the left channel audio
 Reserved Pins
These pins are reserved and should not be connected.
 Spare Pins
The following pins are spare pins and not connected inside the GDL 69/69A. Wires should not be routed
to these pins as they may be used in future configurations of the GDL 69/69A. Use of these pins may
result in unintended behavior.
P691-12 P691-44
P691-14 P691-45
P691-15 P691-46
P691-16 P691-47
P691-34 P691-48
P691-36 P691-49
P691-38 P691-50
P691-41 P691-51
P691-42 P691-55
P691-43 P691-76
3.4 GRT 10 Interface Descriptions
All connections to the GRT 10 are provided on the 9-pin D-Sub connector.
 Power
The GRT 10 accepts input power from 9 to 33 VDC. The power input pins are connected to the aircraft
power bus through a single circuit breaker.
Pin 8 Aircraft Power +
Pin 7 Power Ground
Refer to Appendix D for recommended power connections.