Users Manual

Operating Manual Smart Weather Sensor
28 G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH, Fellbach, Germany
7.3 Selecting the Installation Location
In order to guarantee long service life and correct equipment operation, please pay attention
to the following points when selecting the installation location.
7.3.1 General Instructions
Stable subsurface for installing the mast
Free access to the equipment for maintenance works
Reliable power supply for permanent operation
Good network coverage when transmitting over a mobile communications network
Note: The computed measurements specifically apply to the equipment location only. No
conclusions can be drawn with regard to the wider environment or a complete road section.
Only approved and tested appliances (conductors, risers etc.) should be used to install the
device on the mast.
All relevant regulations for working at this height must be observed.
The mast must be sized and anchored appropriately.
The mast must be earthed in accordance with regulations.
The corresponding safety regulations for working at road side and in the vicinity of the
road carriageway must be observed.
If the equipment is installed incorrectly
It may not function.
It may be permanently damaged.
Danger of injury may exist if the equipment is allowed to fall.
7.3.2 Sensors with Wind Measurement / Compass
Installation at the top of the mast
Installation height at least 2m above the ground
Free field around the sensor
Note: Buildings, bridges, embankments and trees may corrupt the wind measurement.
Equally, passing traffic may cause gusts which may influence the wind measurement.
Note: for accurate compass readings, an aluminium mast is recommended.
7.3.3 Sensors with Radar Precipitation Measurement
Installation on the top of the mast
Installation height at least 4.5m above the ground (if there are no moving objects in wider
circumference of the sensor, a lower installation height may be considered)
Distance to road carriageway at least 1m
Distance from moving objects (e.g. trees, bushes and even bridges) at least 5m at the
height of the sensor
Minimum distance between devices with radar precipitation measurement: 8m.
Note: Falling or moving objects, e.g. falling leaves or leaves blowing in the wind, may cause
false measurements and/or precipitation types.
Note: Strong wind can influence the accuracy of the precipitation measurement. Installation
locations where wind turbulence is to be expected, e.g. caused by buildings, should be