Owner's manual

Snap Rolls at the flick of a switch (SNAP-ROLL) (ACRO):
This function allows you to execute snap rolls by flipping a switch, providing the
same input every time. It also removes the need to change dual rates on the 3
channels prior to performing a snap, as SNAP-ROLL always takes the servos to the
same position, regardless of dual rates, inputs held during the snap, etc.
Note: Every aircraft snaps differently due to its C.G., control throws, etc.
Some models snap without aileron; others snap on elevator alone. Most models snap
most precisely with a combination of all 3 surfaces. Additionally , rate of speed and
acceleration when using the snap switch will affect how the model snaps. For
information on using gyros with airplanes for cleaner precision maneuvers, such as
snaps and spins without over rotation, see p. 56.
Travel: Adjust the amount and direction of elevator , aileron and rudder travel.
Range: -120 to +120 on all 3 channels. Default is 100% of range of all 3 channels.
Directions: (up/right, down/right, up/left, down/left).
This snap-roll function is fully adjustable regarding travels and direction on each of the 3 channels.
Right positive(up) + + +
Right negative(down) + - -
Left positive(up) - + -
Left negative(down) - - +
Note:Always deactivate the TRAINER function prior to activating SNAP-ROLL function.
Activate SNAP-ROLL. Adjust elevator
travel to 55%, rudder travel to 120% in
the right/up snap.
Where next?
Open the SNAP-ROLL function.
Activate the function.
Adjust the travels as needed. (Ex:
elevator to +55%, rudder to +120%.)
Close menu.
for 1 second.
(If basic, again.)
to OFFor ON.
to +55%.
to +120%.
Set up programmable mixes: see p. 53.
View additional setups on the internet: www.futaba-rc.com\faq\faq-7c.html.