
Care and Cleaning
(Locktab is visibleonly after drawer hasbeen
pulled out)
Figure 2
_To reduce riskof fire or seriousinjury to personsor property, complywith
the basic warnings listed in ImportantSafetylnstructions and those listed below.
Before cleaning the washer or dryer interior, unplug the electrical power cord
to avoid electrical shock hazards.
Donotuseanytypeofspraycleanserwhencleaningthedryerinterior. Hazardous
fumes or electrical shock could occur.
IMPORTANT: Do not loadgarments or other items in the washer when cleaning
the inside of the washer.
Add a 1/2 cup of liquid bleach to the detergent compartment of the dispenser
drawer and fill the bleach dispenser compartment to the Max Fill level and run
WITHOUT a clothes load using the Normal Cycle setting.
Inside Washer
Removeitems from the washer as soon as the cycle ends. Excesswrinkling, color
transfer, and odors may develop in items left in the washer.
Before cleaning the washer interior, unplug the electricalpowercerdto avoid
electrical shock hazards.
Dry around the washer door opening, flexible gasket, and door glass.Theseareas
should always be clean to ensure a water tight seal.
When extremely soiled items have been washed, a dirty residue may remain on
the drum. Remove this bywiping the drum with a nonabrasive household cleanser.
Rinsethoroughly with water.
Figure 3
Figure 4
The plastic drum vanes may become stained from fabric dye. Clean these parts
with anonabrasive household cleanser. This prevents dye transfer to future loads.
Cleaning the Dispenser Drawer Area
Detergent and fabric softener may build up inthe dispenser drawer. Residueshould be
removed once or twice a month.
Removethe drawer byfirst sliding the safety latch tothe right, then pulling the
drawer out until it stops. (Figure 1)
Reachback intothe left rear corner of the drawer cavityand pressdown firmly
on the lock tab (left rear portion of the drawer). Pull out the drawer.
(Figure 2)
Removethe insertsfrom the bleach and fabric softener compartments. (Figure
Rinse the drawer and inserts with hot tap water to remove traces of
accumulated powders and liquids. Large amounts of fabric softener residue
may indicate improper dilution or more frequent cleaning is required.
To clean the drawer opening, use a small brush to clean the recess. Remove
all residue from the upper and lower parts of the recess.(Figure 4)
Return the bleach and fabric softener inserts to their proper compartments.
Replacethe dispenser drawer and run the short wash cycle without any wash
load in the drum.