Owners Guide

Wear proper apparel - Loose-tting or hanging
garments should never be worn while using
the appliance. Do not let clothing or other
ammable materials contact hot surfaces.
Do not touch surface burners or elements,
areas near these burners or elements, interior
surfaces of the oven, or the warmer drawer
(if equipped). Surface burners and elements
may be hot even though they appear cool.
Areas near surface burners and elements may
become hot enough to cause burns. During
and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or
other ammable materials touch these areas
until they are cool. These areas may include
the cooktop, surfaces facing the cooktop,
oven vent areas, oven door, and oven window.
Do not attempt to operate the appliance
during a power failure. If the power fails, al-
ways turn o the appliance. If the appliance is
not turned o and the power resumes, electric
surface elements may resume operation when
power is restored. Once the power resumes,
reset the clock and the oven function.
Use Proper Flame Size — Adjust ame size
so it does not extend beyond the edge of the
utensil. The use of undersized utensils will
expose a portion of the burner ame to direct
contact and may result in ignition of clothing.
Proper relationship of utensil to ame will also
improve eciency
Know which knob or key controls each surface
heating area. Place cookware with food on the
cooking area before turning it on. Turn the
cooking area o before removing the cookware.
Use proper pan size. This appliance is equipped
with one or more surface units of dierent
sizes. Select cookware with at bottoms that
match the surface unit heating element. The
use of undersized cookware may expose a
portion of the ame to direct contact and may
result in the ignition of clothing or other items.
Using the proper cookware on the cooking
areas will improve eciency.
Always turn knob to the full LITE position when
igniting top burners. Visually check that burner
has lit. Then adjust the ame so it does not
extend beyond the edge of the utensil.
When you are aming foods under a ventilating
hood, turn the fan on.
Save these instruction for future reference