User manual

Safety ........................................................................... 04
For Children ............................................................. 04
For the User / Installer ............................................ 04
Refrigerator Description ............................................ 06
Installation .................................................................. 07
Choosing the location ............................................. 07
Leveling the Refrigerator ........................................ 08
Electrical installation .............................................. 08
Grounding ................................................................ 09
Usage Instructions ...................................................... 10
How to Turn on the Refrigerator .......................... 10
Filling the Refrigerator ........................................... 10
Freezer Capacity ..................................................... 10
Temperature Adjustment ........................................ 11
Freezer Compartment ............................................ 11
Making and Removing Ice Cubes .......................... 12
Refrigerator Compartment .................................... 12
How to Disconnect the Refrigerator ..................... 13
How to Save Energy ............................................... 13
Transportation ........................................................ 13
Hints and Suggestions ............................................ 14
Cleaning and Maintenance ...................................... 15
Inside ....................................................................... 15
Electrical Parts ........................................................15
Outside .................................................................... 16
Door Seals ............................................................... 16
Substituting the Light ............................................. 16
Cleaning the water tray ......................................... 17
Food stored in refrigerator compartment freezes
Are the temperature controls in the refrigerator compartments and extra cold
compartment set to the coldest position?
Is the room temperature below 5°C?
Is the food close to the cold air exits?
Refrigerator is warmer than normal
Has the door been opened frequently or for a long time?
Is the refrigerator so full that the air cannot properly circulate?
Were hot things place in the refrigerator without first being allowed to cool?
Is there sufficient space between the refrigerator and the wall?
ATTENTION: If these measures do not solve the problem, please contact a
maintenance service center as soon as possible.
The compressor does not stop automatically
Is too much food being stored?
Are the doors being opened too frequently or kept open too long?
Are the freezer and refrigerator temperature controls set in the coldest position?
Condensation inside the refrigerator
Room temperature is very high or the door has been left open too long.
Liquid foods inside the refrigerator are not in a properly sealed container.