Owner's Guide

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1-800-944-9044 (United States)
1-800-265-8352 (Canada)
Before calling for service, review this list. It may save you time and expense. This list includes
common occurrences that are not the result of defective workmanship or materials in this
Concern Potential Cause Common Solution
Opening/Closing Of Doors/Drawers
Door(s) will
not close.
Door was closed too hard,
causing other door to open
Refrigerator is not level.
It rocks on the oor when
moved slightly.
Refrigerator is touching a
wall or cabinet.
Food/packaging is obstructing
the door from closing.
Flipper mullion on left fresh
food door is not in the
correct position.
Close both doors gently.
Ensure oor is level and solid, and can
adequately support the refrigerator.
Contact a carpenter to correct a sagging
or sloping oor.
Ensure oor is level and solid, and can
adequately support the refrigerator.
Contact a carpenter to correct a sagging
or sloping oor.
Make sure there is no food/packaging
blocking the doorway.
Ensure the ipper mullion is in the correct
position to allow the door to close. (See
Flipper Mullion section.)
Running of Refrigerator
does not run.
Plug at electrical outlet is
House fuse blown or tripped
circuit breaker.
Power outage.
Ensure plug is tightly pushed into outlet.
Check/replace fuse with a 15 amp time-
delay fuse. Reset circuit breaker.
Check house lights. Call local electric
seems to run
too much or
too long.
The compressor cycles as
needed and stops during the
defrost cycle.
It is normal that the compressor operates
for a longer time in the summer. Do not
store too much food in the freezer at one
time. Do not place warm foods inside the