Owner's Manual

2010 Electrolux Home Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
This unit has many exciting features which
are different from those found on standard PTAC
models. The owner must be familiar with these
features in order to fully understand the operation and
capability of the unit.
Intelligence -- Your unit has an on board computer
that utilizes real time diagnostics to prolong
the life of your unit. There is an LED indicator on the
control board, behind the front panel, that will flash
an error code if the unit has detected some kind of
faulty condition. In many cases, the unit will
automatically clear the fault condition and continue
operating with no interruption. In some cases, the
Fig. 2
condition cannot be cleared and the unit will require service. In those cases, an “Fx” failure mode will be
displayed on the digital display. For a detailed list of all error codes and “Fx” conditions, see Table 5 (page12) -
Status LED Indicator Definitions for further details.
Memory -- Your unit also has memory. If power is lost, all of the control settings (setpoint,
mode, fan speed, on/off and configuration) are remembered. So when power is restored, the unit will
start back up in the mode (and configuration) it was in, when power was lost.
Quiet Design -- Not only does the unit have 2 fan motors and a tangential blower wheel for
optimum sound, the indoor fan will always run a minimum of 10 seconds before the compressor, to
help reduce the sound of the compressor starting.
Random Compressor Restart -- To help prevent power surges after a power outage (
many PTACs
starting at the same time), the compressor is equipped with a 2 minute 45 second to 3 minute 15
second random restart delay feature. Whenever the unit is plugged in, or power has been restarted, a random
compressor restart will occur to help avoid power surges.
Compressor Protection -- To prevent short cycling of the compressor and maximize it's life, there is a
random start--up delay of 3 minutes on the compressor and a minimum compressor run time of 3 minutes.
Automatic Room Freeze Protection -- This protection feature will automatically ensure the indoor
temperature does not fall below freezing. When your PTAC is configured for freeze protection (which is
the default condition), then whenever power is supplied to the unit, if the unit senses
temperature below 40°F, the fan motor and electric heater are turned on and will warm the room to 5F.
Freeze protection can be switched off (please see page
9), change the configuration switch to turn the
feature off (see section on unit configuration).
Automatic Quick Warm--Up (for heat pump models only)
-- If the room temperature falls to 5°F
below the set point temperature, the reverse cycle heat is shut
off and the electric strip heat is turned on
for one cycle, until room temperature rises.
Fan Configure for Optimization of Selected Application -- The unit can be optimized to selected
application by configuring the fan to run in continuous mode or cycle on and off with the compressor and
electric heater (can be different for both heating and cooling modes). In cycle mode, the fan will continue to
run after the compressor or electric heater stops in order to blow off any residual heat or cool left on coil.
Dual-8 Display and LED Display -- Two 8-segment nixie tubes, 13 LED indicators (They are HIGH,
1. Mode indicator display: When the air conditioner operates in a certain mode, the
corresponding mode indicator will be lit;
2. The ON/OFF indicator is in green when the controller is ON and in red when controller is OFF.
3. Fan speed display: When air conditioner operates at high, medium, low or auto fan speed, the
corresponding indicator will be lit.
4. Dual-8 display: Ambient temperature can also be displayed in cooling and heating modes through
setting the keypad. Under cooling or heating mode, the dual-8 will display the set temperature
(the dual-8 will display indoor ambient temperature under fan mode).
5. If the display data has three bits, the dual-8 will display “ten's digit”+ “unit's digit” at first and
then display “BLANK”+ “hundred's digit”.