Owner's Manual

Preventative maintenance is essential to proper unit operation, efficiency and longevity.
To ensure equipment operates properly, it must be properly maintained. Equipment operation should be
checked and verified several times during each year. During regular unit inspection and maintenance,
follow the guidelines below:
Clean both sides of outdoor coil. (Never use high pressure spray on coils.)
Clean basepan and outdoor vent filter.
Clean outdoor orifice and fan.
Clean indoor coil. (Never use high pressure spray on coils.)
Clean indoor fan, wire screen and front panel.
Clean or install new indoor - air inlet filter(s).
Clean wall sleeve and outdoor grille.
Inspect cord and receptacle.
Secure electrical connections.
Ensure front panel is properly mounted and not damaged.
Ensure wall sleeve is installed properly.
Ensure heat and cool cycles operate properly.
2010 Electrolux Home Products, Inc. All rights reserved.