
Feature Information
Microwaving with the Shelf
Make sure iIle shelf is positioned properly inside the microwave to t}revent dan/age
to tile oven Doln arcing.
Do not use a nlicrowave hrowning dish on the shelf. The shelf couht overheat.
Do not use the oven with tile shelf on the n/i< rowa\e flool: This could damage
the lIliCr()w_l_t'.
Use t)ot hohlers when handling tile shelt it lnav be hot.
Do not use tile shelf when cooking popcorn.
How to Use the Sheff
When Mkrowaving
I?ood ll/i( t'0_% /_t S best wh(]/ t)la(:e(_
oil _he/{_1"i_/_]{11(_.
I?or Iles1 (7ookiH_ t'( sH[{s, t'el//oxe {h( sh( 11"
!_l/less VOH are l'ehea_il/_ ol! /wo hwels.
For best results
The shelf ghes you tile optio*! to
_eh(';_ more tha_! {t!_{'dish o{"{k_od
_tI _he sA!_/e till/(.
2-level reheatin(j
Shelf and Reheating
Switch places after 1/2 time.
Switch places after 1/2 time.
®'1_ reheat on 2 levels
®To reheat 2 dishes on the shelf:
1 MulfipI cehea_ time by !l&.
2 Switch t)/Ices after !/2 tile time.