
Operating Instructions
Time Features
Time Defrost
Allows vo/_ to de[l'ost lilt the length ol:
time you select. See the De!i:osting Guide
fi)r sugg_ sled dines.
1. Press A[ YI"OiT[ME DEFROST mice.
Enter dei_'osdng time.
3oPxess ST.\R'[_
4. Tmn {i_od oxer when tile oxen signals.
5oPxess S'['.\R'[_
(Auto De_¥ost explaioed in the section on
Convemence Featureso)
Powex level 3 is aurora nicatly set, but you
may chmge this {or more tlexfbilhv. D>u
may detk'ost smalI items more quickl b\
xaishlg th( power lexel if'let entering tl/e
time. Howe_er, the wilI ne(d more
{kequem attention than ustml.
Powex le_eI 7 cms tl/e total deli'osting
dine in about [lalQ power level 10 (ms the
total time to approximately !/3. Rot/re ox
stix t))od I_'eq uen tl?,.
At on( h/It o{ s_ Iected d( {)osting time,
ti*e o_en sign/Is TURN. At tlxis time, tm'n
tood oxer and bxe/k/part or rearrange
pieces Ibx moxe exert deh'osdng. Slli(ld
any wu'm _xe/s with stud1 pieces o[ Ibil.
A dull thmnping noise ma be heard
dm'ing d( frosting. This somnl is normal
w!/en tl/e ovex/is ix(it opex'atix/g at
High powen
Defrostin 9 Tips
®Foods {rozen in piper or pl _stic can be
detl"osted in the p/ckage. Tiglxtl} closed
p/ckages should be slit, pierced or
xented AFFER tood has p/rti dI
defrosted. Plastic storage (;ox_tail/ers
sllo!*ld be _t least patti dly uncoxered.
®Family-size, prepackaged i_'ozen dimlers
cm be defrosted and microw_xed, lithe
tood is in / toil container, tx'ansibr it to
/XliCI'OW _xze-s tl_ _ dish.
* Foods tllat spoil easi h, st*oh _s milk,
eggs, fish, smllings, po/dtry md pork,
should not b( allowed to sit out tbr
more thin one hour at{er dehosting.
I{oon/ te_//pe['_ttn'e l)l?oI!!l)tes the gYowth
of l//rm!i*l bacteria.
®For more ex(n d< ti'osting o{"I/rger
[k*oxls, such _sbeei, lm/b md*e/tro_sts,
//se Alxto Del'['ost.
®Be sure large melts u'e completely
deh'osted belore cookh,g.
®Wile_x deJi'osted, {i)od should 1)e (ool but
soil< ned in alI are/s. If still slight1 k},
retllxxx to tile IX/iCI'OW /'_e VEX'} Ill, ell}, or
let it stand _ lew minutes.