Installation guide

Installing Unit in a Sliding Window:
n Attach support brace to platform as shown (FIG.6). Use adjustment
bolt and hex flange nut to complete assembly. Choose slot and adjustment
bolt hole locations that will create a 45 degree angle between platform and
support brace. Try assembly in the window to determine if platform will rest
properly, and allow proper slope (3/16" lower on out side).
+ If you are planning to use a siding-protection board (see Step 8) on the
outside of your house, hold board in place when testing assembly in window.
n Measure, and lightly mark a line 8-11/16" from window jamb:
+ If any sash stop protrudes more than 1" from the side window jambs, the
8+11/16" measurement must be increased accordingly (FIG.7). Screen and
storm window frames may also require adjustments to the measurement.
_ Center platform assembly on the line with inside platform tab
pressed against inside edge of window track as shown (FIG.8A, FIG.8B).
Using the holes in the platform as a guide, mark and drill two 9/64" diameter
holes. Drill holes in either track or stool.
For vinyl-clad windows, you need to install the support bracket on the
window track before you install the platform. Follow the instructions below to
do that.
I. Place the support bracket on the window sill as shown (FIG.8C). Using the
holes in the support bracket as a guide, mark and drill two 1/8" diameter holes.
2. Follow Step 7 to applly the track seal on the room side of window track.
3. After applly the track seal, use two 3/8" screw (item 17) to fixing the support
bracket. Make sure the support bracket is level form side to side.
Proceed to Step 9 after you finish fixing the support bracket.
_Peel off protective backing from track seal. Apply seal to room side
of window track (FIG .9). Center of seal strip should coincide with the line
marked in Step 5. The two screw holes drilled in Step 6 should be directly
above seal strip in the inner track.
_ Securely attach a siding-protection board to side of house (FIG.10).
NOTE: Siding-protection board should be long enough to span 2 wall studs.
8-11/16" inches Apply track seal
i to window side
Alternate the screw
(depending on
the height of the sill)
of track.
Platform Assembly
_-----_. 1/4" (6ram) HEX
8-11/16" inches FIG.7
Center platform
assembly on the line
with platform tab pressed
against window track
Alternate screw location
(depending on the inner sill depth)
Platform tab FIG.8B
window track window seal
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