Installation guide

Wall Sleeve Brands: #6Whirlp l
"-3,5 I _ _;_
!, Remove, exist_ng rear grille ss show_ o_ Pa#e 2 or this
manual arid _eplace w_h provided Iouvered re_ ° pa;neL
Install as shown here.
2 I OUt (:2:) ! 7 _ ii_red S_ Blocks as shewn _lew i_o
3, Install to _he floo_ of the sle_we as _h . This helps
in_u_ a tea slope _n the unit,
4, A_ch {1) 1" x 3/8 _ × 25' long _al _nthe _enter at _e
_op .of the sl , Re_ve the oac_ng p_per .an_ s
_to posit_n,
5, A_ch {2) 1" × 3t8 × 14, se_ls _ the left _nd right
sNes o! the sleeve,
_.Cot (2) _" × 3_'8° × 25 :_long Is _o !4: long h
and attach to the ve_mal sections e_ the g_ille as shown,
f. Comer unit & ge_ly '_ide unit into sl ,
8. sl_ding all-th back. remove 2ad w [rom fron_
on le[t side o_unit.
9, Remove _e pla her _om t_e screw,
!0, Screw and the e_er end o_ the ground wi_e to the
u_R as shown in re, M sure the1 the ed _asher
is against the ¢_bi_et.
11, SI#_ the unit tempi etely to #_e rear to erasure a go_J _al,
making sure _e ground wire ,_es not me _ngl _,
I2, Seal & Frame _e uait as described ez_the las_p of
these instructions,