Installation guide

Wall Sleeve Bra nd s #3 sorFri_dtich 16 _.
i. RemOve ex sting _ea[ _grlle as shown on Pa#e :2 of this
mar_ual _'ld _epi with provided Iouv÷red rear panel.
ins_all as. sh here.
4. The 2: W °sec_ is_l_ed ta fret of _e #b _ ba:_ w_ _e
_red end facing the back of the sleeve. C#t _he femaNii_g
_Aiea t:e 12 ,_3° and £1a.ce behind the rib aga_a slep;ir_# _ow.atd
_he rear of the sle_e. T_s helps induce a _ea_a_d slo_e e_
_be u,nit.
;;: ;;8 x 25 °' eng _al _nthe cen:l:er at: the
5, A_ch ,(1)1"× 3/ ...............
ted Of the sleeve, Remove the backing paper a_d press
into position,
x::3,8 × ! _als :e the left ned right sii_s6, A_ach (2} i _' " " 4' .....
of _e sleeve.
7. Cu (2') ! _× _'8 ° x 25 Io_# seals to i4 _ I,_g each
and a_ch to the ve#_cal _ctiens of _he grille as :shown.
8, Gently sli_ u_if: _n_esle_e,
9. Before sliding all4he_ay back, remove 2nd _w #era front
le_ s_e ef uni_.
10. Re the _l_tic washe_ from _he scre¢,,.
11, Serew and a'_ach the e#_er e_d ef _he gteu_d wire to {he
ut'_itas shown #_ _ct_te, Make sure _hai 1he t ed washer
is a_ains_ the cabi_e_,
i 2. SId_ the uni_ eem£4etely te me rear to e#s_re a ge_ _al,
making e:u_e_he #:round wre ._es not b_ome tangle.
13. Seal & Frame 1he unit as de_dbed o_ the last: page of
these instructions,