
Care and C eaning
Clean your air conditioner occasionally to keep it Iooking new= Be sure to unplug the
unit before cmeaning to prevent shock or fire hazards.
Air Filter Cleaning
The air fiIter should be checked at least once a month to see if cleaning is necessary,
Trapped particles in the filter can build up and cause an accumulation of frost on the
cooling coils=
Push the vent handle to the Vent Closed position (where applicable)=
, Open the front panel
, Grasp the filter by the center and pull up and out=
, Wash the filter using Iiquid dishwashing detergent and warm water= Rinse filter
thoroughly= Gently shake excess water from the filter= Be sure filter is thoroughly dry
before replacing=
, Or, instead of washing you may vacuum the filter clean=
Cabinet Cleaning
Be sure to unpIug the air conditioner to prevent shock or fire hazard= The cabinet and
front may be dusted with an oiI-free cloth or washed with a cloth dampened in a solution
of warm water and miId Iiquid dishwashing detergent= Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry=
Never use harsh cleaners, wax or polish on the cabinet front,
Be sure to wring excess water from the cloth before wiping around the controls= Excess
water in or around the controls may cause damage to the air conditioner=
Plug in air conditioner=
Winter Storage
If you plan to store the air conditioner during the winter, remove it carefully from the
window according to the installation instructions= Cover it with plastic or return it to the
original carton=
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SZ000355(En)-JiXie(3) 7 _ 10/25/2004, 5:44 PM