Sol-Ark Integration Guide

Firmware Updates
Firmware updates are rarely needed. Most firmware updates solve a minor issue - major firmware updates typically are
adding compatibility with new-to-market hardware or to accommodate developments in battery-inverter communication.
Most of our installers use the firmware update tool to confirm proper system commissioning or unlock batteries from their
protective modes during a deep discharge.
To update the battery firmware, please visit
Solar contractors should visit
and request a firmware update tool.
If you cannot determine the instructions, we are happy to assist you with a remotely - there are things we can do before you
visit site to make your site visit much easier, and we can also assist you onsite (preferably scheduled in advance).
Firmware update tools are available for sale at
However, we recommend end users wait for the Fortress Guardian Hub instead of buying the firmware update tool.
Click this link
if you are interested in being a beta tester.
Voltage to % Chart
The voltage curve of lithium is very flat from the bottom 20% of the battery to the top 80% of the battery, at which point is
becomes rather steep at both ends. It is very easy to tell when a battery is moving towards the bottom or top of its range -
the middle bit is hard to guess because it will fluctuate with load. Here is a very loose approximation of Fortress battery
voltage and state-of-charge:
Resting % State of