Use and Care Manual

When you first receive your oven, you will notice that the exposed stainless is covered with a
protective film, which must be removed. One may find that heating the film with a hair drier
or letting it warm in the sun will make this removal easier. You will find instructions on how
to assemble the cart inside of the box with the cart parts. Once the cart is assembled (making
sure all of the required screws are snugly secured, place the oven on the trolley and secure it
with the provided bolts (4 of them). Now, the door, fire tray, and fire poker (all located inside
of the oven) must be unpacked from the bubble wrap. Finally, insert you chimneystack into
the opening at the top of the unit. Your oven is now ready for use.
First-time Ignition
When firing your oven for the first time one MUST season the oven properly. This is done, by
building a small fire, and slowly bring it up to temperature by adding larger and larger pieces
of wood.
Begin by moving your tray to one side (right or left) of your oven approximately 5” off of the
wall with the opening “L” facing the closest wall. This tray acts as a barrier and prevents
your fire/ash from falling into your cooking area. On your tray, place a bit of your preferred
starter (paper, starter blocks, etc.) with small pieces of kindling on top. Once lit, continue
adding larger and larger pieces of wood (max 3” in diameter) until you have a nice roaring
fire and your temperature reaches 500° F. Let your fire burn for approximately 30 min, this
will ensure that all of the moisture has been evaporated from inside of your cooking stones
and rest of the oven in general. After this initial warm-up, let your oven cool down. The next
time you light your oven, follow the same steps, but continue to feed the fire, again with pieces
of wood (3” diameter) to maintain desired temperature.
Once you have finished cooking, it is recommended that you scatter the remaining coals onto
the entire cooking surface in order to burn away any accidental spills. When the oven has
cooled, simply brush the ash to one side and remove. In this way, your oven will always be
clean and ready for the next use.
This unit has a one year limited warranty against manufacturer defects. Failure to follow the
instructions above will result in a VOIDING of your warranty. Temperatures MUST NOT
EXCEED 600° F during the seasoning process. Flaking or bubbling of paint could result
from not following these seasoning instructions.

Summary of content (1 pages)