FILA Chemicals USA
Revision nr. 3
Dated 23/3/2015
Printed on 23/03/2015
Page n. 13/13
- 313 CATEGORY CODE: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to Know Act Section 313 Category Code
- ADR: European Agreement concerning the carriage of Dangerous goods by Road
- CAA 112 ® RMP TQ: Risk Management Plan Threshold Quantity (Clean Air Act Section 112®)
- CAS NUMBER: Chemical Abstract Service Number
- CE50: Effective concentration (required to induce a 50% effect)
- CERCLA RQ: Reportable Quantity (Comprehensive Environment Response, Compensation, and Liability Act)
- CLP: EC Regulation 1272/2008
- DEA: Drug Enforcement Administration
- EmS: Emergency Schedule
- EPA: US Environmental Protection Agency
- EPCRA: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to Know Act
- EPCRA 302 EHS TPQ: Extremely Hazardous Substance Threshold Planning Quantity (Section 302 Category Code)
- EPCRA 304 EHS RQ: Extremely Hazardous Substance Reportable Quantity (Section 304 Category Code)
- EPCRA 313 TRI: Toxics Release Inventory (Section 313 Category Code)
- GHS: Globally Harmonized System of classification and labeling of chemicals
- IATA DGR: International Air Transport Association Dangerous Goods Regulation
- IC50: Immobilization Concentration 50%
- IMDG: International Maritime Code for dangerous goods
- IMO: International Maritime Organization
- LC50: Lethal Concentration 50%
- LD50: Lethal dose 50%
- OEL: Occupational Exposure Level
- PEL: Predicted exposure level
- RCRA Code: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Code
- REL: Recommended exposure limit
- RID: Regulation concerning the international transport of dangerous goods by train
- TLV: Threshold Limit Value
- TLV CEILING: Concentration that should not be exceeded during any time of occupational exposure.
- TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act
- TWA STEL: Short-term exposure limit
- TWA: Time-weighted average exposure limit
- VOC: Volatile organic Compounds
- WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.
- GHS rev. 3
- The Merck Index. 10th Edition
- Handling Chemical Safety
- Niosh - Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
- INRS - Fiche Toxicologique (toxicological sheet)
- Patty - Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology
- N.I. Sax - Dangerous properties of Industrial Materials-7, 1989 Edition
- ECHA website
- 6 NYCRR part 597
- Cal/OSHA website
- California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act
- EPA website
- Hazard Comunication Standard (HCS 2012)
- IARC website
- List Of Lists EPA: Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to EPCRA, CERCLA and Section 112® of the Clean Air Act
- Massachussetts 105 CMR Department of public health 670.000: "Right to Know"
- Minensota Chapter 5206 Departemnt Of Labor and Industry Hazardous Substances, Employee "Right to Know".
- New Jersey Worker and Community Right to know Act N.J.S.A.
- NTP. 2011. Report on Carcinogens, 12th Edition.
- OSHA website
- Pennsylvania, Hazardous Substance List, Chapter 323
Note for users:
The information contained in the present sheet are based on our own knowledge on the date of the last version. Users must verify the suitability and
thoroughness of provided information according to each specific use of the product.
This document must not be regarded as a guarantee on any specific product property.
The use of this product is not subject to our direct control; therefore, users must, under their own responsibility, comply with the current health and safety
laws and regulations. The producer is relieved from any liability arising from improper uses.
Provide appointed staff with adequate training on how to use chemical products.