Operation Manual

Ferm 9
• Allowthebladetodropdownslightlyandpushitforward,inordertoloosenitfromthelowerholder.
Basic scroll saw operations and tips
• Thereisalearningcurveforeachpersonwhowantstousethissaw.Duringthatperiodoftimeitis
expected that some blades will break until you learn how to use the saw and receive the greatest
benefit from the blades.
• Bladeswearfasterwhen:
• cuttingplywood,whichisveryabrasive;
• whensawingwoodwhichisthickerthanthebladestroke;
• whensawinghardwood;
• whensidepressureisplacedontheblade
• Thesawbladesawsonlyduringthedownwardstroke.
• Usingbothhands,slowlyandwithminimumpressurepushtheworkpieceacrossthetabletowards
the saw blade. This will prevent the blade from breaking or twisting.
• Foroptimalresults,thesawblademustbesharp.
• Usethepropersawblade.Theselectionofthesaw-bladedependsonthethicknessofthewoodand
the cut you would like to achieve. Keep the following in mind as a general rule: The thinner and
Always disconnect the machine from the mains before carrying out any maintenance work.
The machine is designed to function faultlessly for a long period and with a minimum of maintenance.
Regularly clean the machine with a soft cloth, preferably after each use. Keep the ventilator slot free of
dust and other deposits. Remove any tenacious deposits with a soft cloth moistened with soap. Do not
use solvents (petrol, alcohol, ammonia, etc.) as they will damage the plastic parts.
The machine does not need lubricating.
If a fault arises (due to e.g. element wear), contact the service address listed on the warranty card.
To prevent damage during transport, the appliance is delivered in a solid packaging which consists
largely of reusable material. Therefore please make use of options for recycling the packaging.
Damaged and/or disposed of electrical or electronic devices must be dropped off at recycling
stations intended for that purpose.
Read the warranty conditions on the separately supplied warranty card.