User guide

There are three ways to play back video clips within the system. The first is to connect the
camera to a TV using the yellow/white RCA plugs, and to hit the ‘Play/Pause’ button on the remote. The
camera will immediately begin playing back the most recently recorded clip. When a clip finishes, it will
move to the next most-recently recorded clip, one at a time. The left/right buttons will fast forward or
rewind the clip at various paces, the play/pause button will pause the video or play at normal speed.
When you are dine, press the ‘Stop/Return’ button on the remote.
The next way is to use the SEARCH AND PLAY from the camera main menu.
At the top of the screen you will see the dates the camera has recorded, and how many files
were recorded on that date. Below that, you will see up to 9 icons; each icon represents one file, and the
type of icon (Finger, Man, Clock) represents the type of recording that was made (Manual, Motion-
Detection, and Continuous recording Respectively). The ‘Time’ field at the bottom shows you the time of
day the highlighted clip was recorded. To play back a clip use the up/down buttons to highlight the date
you wish to play back, then use the left/right buttons to select which clip to play back. Press OK to play
that clip.
The last way is to put the SD Memory Card into a computer using a memory card reader. You
can then browse through the individual clips on the memory card, and play them by double-clicking on
any of the files. The files are recorded in a format native to Microsoft Windows Media Player, and may
not play back properly using any other media players