User`s guide
Maximum Scalability
This configuration offers the best scalability by taking advantage of the benefits of dedicating a server to specific
functionality. Network traffic is introduced between each node.
Installing Software on the Exchange Server
It is not recommended that the Sync Server or the Exchange adapter be installed on the Exchange Server. If you must install the
software on the Exchange Server, the client email Reply functionality is not available.
Server Data Location
During the Sync Server installation, the administrator will be asked to select a directory in which to store data. Sync Server
components read and write data files into the directory that is specified. This data includes synchronization table map
information, internal change log tables, synchronization logs, and other data necessary to the synchronization process. During a
database synchronization action, for example, data is read from the source table and temporarily stored in a file in the data
folder while its contents are converted to different data types, if necessary. This directory must be located on a drive that has
enough available free space or a -9 error will result. You can calculate the amount of space needed by the database adapter
using the following formula:
free space required = 2.8 x (size of data included in sync) x (number of users syncing simultaneously)
Note The size of data included in the initial sync will be large compared to the amount of data in a typical subsequent sync. For
example, if a 100 MB table were to be synchronized, 280 MB (2.8 x 100 MB x 1 user) of available free space would be required
for each user that was to perform an initial sync at the same time.
Note If the directory that is selected to be the Sync Server data location is on a drive that does not have enough available free
space, attempts to synchronize data will result in a -9 error.
Note To change the directory that is selected to be the Sync Server data location, you must uninstall Sync Server and then re-
Moving a Software Installation
When moving the OneBridge software to a different server, you must move the OneBridge server and the Adapter server.
To Move the OneBridge Sync Server:
The OneBridge Sync Server License Manager uses the public key stored on the server and the server's hostname to determine
whether the license document is valid. The public/private keys must be moved to the new server, and the hostname must be
updated before installing the software.
1. Run the Key Manager program and use the Export Keys command.
2. Copy the Key Manager program to the destination server and use the Import Keys command.
3. Change the name of the destination server to match the source server.