User Manual

Manual Equalize Method
Choose the manual equalize method when you want to equalize charge the
battery, but only when you are able to monitor the battery voltage and
gassing rate. After you select the manual equalize method, press the
CHRG MODE key to put the charger into the equalize mode. The EQLZ
indicator will light.
Press the
CHRG MODE key again to return the charger to the float mode. The
FLOAT indicator will light.
NOTE: Never leave the AT10.1 unattended in the equalize mode with the
manual equalize method selected, because a sustained overcharge may
cause permanent damage to the battery.
Auto-Equalize Timer Method
Choose the auto-equalize timer method if you have a flooded (non-sealed)
battery that is subject to infrequent discharges, or when the battery will be
discharged by at least half of its rated capacity during an ac power failure.
When ac power is restored to the charger, it turns on in the equalize mode
automatically, and the EQLZ indicator lights. At the end of the equalize
charging-time that you select, the charger reverts automatically to the float
mode, and the FLOAT indicator lights. At any time during the equalize
charge, you can switch the charger back to float mode by pressing the
CHRG MODE key. The FLOAT indicator will light.
Consult your battery manufacturer's instructions before using the auto-
equalize timer method with sealed (valve-regulated) lead-acid batteries.
Whenever the ac supply fails for 12 seconds or longer, the auto-equalize
timer is enabled. For shorter periods, the timer behaves as shown below:
Mode before
ac failure
AC falure
Mode after
ac failure
less than
12 seconds
less than
12 seconds
with time remaining
12 seconds
or greater
with full time
Switching to Equalize Mode with Auto-Equalize Timer Method Selected
You can start an equalize charge at any time.
Press the CHRG MODE key. The EQLZ indicator lights.
When the equalize timer is finished, the charger reverts automatically to
the float mode, and the FLOAT indicator lights.