Installation Guide

17. Place the following documents in the truck cab, which came in
the Ehubo box:
1. EROAD ELD User Manual
2. Roadside Inspection visor card
3. Resolving Data Diagnostic visor card
These documents are required to be carried in the vehicle by the
federal ELD mandate. Drivers might be cited during an inspection
if they do not have these documents.
1 2 3
The OBD-II installation might fail if the OBD-II adapter is not
inserted properly into the OBD-II port before tapping the Pairing
1. Tap the Try Again button if this occurs and repeat the
installation steps described in section 8.2.
The following error message occurs if there is more than one
OBD-II adapter detected while the installation wizard is running.
2. Tap the Try Again button if this occurs and repeat the
installation steps described in section 8.2.