Reference Manual

Frequency Hopping
Supported channel numbers are:
This function is initiated when a CHANNEL_ACTIVATION message /
GSM:08.58:8.4.1/ is received from the BSC.
The information element Channel Identification as defined in /
GSM:08.58:9.3.5/ is ignored.
The BPC must have already been configured for frequency hopping by
the BSC (OML link). All frequency hopping parameters are defined for
each BPC at configuration, and cannot be changed at channel activation.
Frequency hopping is performed according to /GSM: 05.02:6.2.3/.
Frequency hopping is not supported for the BPC carrying BCCH.
Other BPCs on the BCCH frequency can be frequency hopping when
baseband hopping is used. The following configuration parameters are
used for administration of frequency hopping, the parameters are used
in the frequency hopping algorithms as described in /GSM: 05.02:6.2.3/.
Table 152 Configuration parameters
Parameter Supported values Description
HSN /GSM: 05.02 6.2.2/ Hopping Sequence Number
0 = cyclic hopping 1-63 = random hopping
MAIO /GSM: 05.02:6.2.2/ Mobile Allocation Index Offset
Frequency list 1-64 fields Information element to provide a list of the
ARFCNs used in a frequency hopping sequence
31.4 Operational Conditions
Both baseband and synthesizer frequency hopping are supported. A
maximum of 64 frequencies can be used in the hopping sequence.
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