*1 Your image is slightly enlarged and cropped to ll the sheet of paper. Print quality
may decline in the top and bottom areas of the printout, or the area may be
smeared when printing.
*2 Select the amount the image is expanded when printing Borderless photos.
x Print settings
Paper Type Prem.Glossy, Ultra Glossy, Photo Paper, Matte
Paper Size 10 × 15 cm, 13 × 18 cm, A4
Layout Borderless *¹, With Border
Quality Standard
Expansion *² Standard, Mid, Min
J Photo Mode
Restoration On, O
*1 Gambar Anda sedikit diperbesar dan dipotong untuk mengisi lembar kertas.
Kualitas cetakan mungkin menurun di bagian atas dan bawah cetakan, atau bagian
tersebut mungkin terdapat bercak pada saat dicetak.
*2 Pilih nilai perbesaran gambar pada saat mencetak foto Tanpa Bingkai.
x Pengaturan cetak
Paper Type Prem.Glossy, Ultra Glossy, Photo Paper, Matte
Paper Size 10 × 15 cm, 13 × 18 cm, A4
Layout Borderless *¹, With Border
Quality Standard
Expansion *² Standard, Mid., Min.
J Mode Photo
Restoration On, O