Parts User Manual

Now print your sample document or run your sample program. If
your printing appears in
emphasized Near Letter Quality
as you see here, you have successfully combined the two modes. If
you get any other results, turn your printer off and back on and then
try the steps again.
You can combine other modes using the same technique, but some
modes will not mix with others. Table
shows which modes can be
combined. A dot in a box indicates that the two modes can be com-
Table 2-2. Mode combinations
NLQ Emphasized
Don’t worry about harming your printer if you try to combine two
modes that the LX-90 can’t mix. Your settings cannot damage the
printer because it is prepared for the possibility of receiving codes for
conflicting modes. If it receives codes for two modes that it can’t com-
bine, it uses only one of the codes.
SelecType Tips
After you turn on a mode with SelecType, it usually stays in effect
until the printer is turned off. If, for example, you use SelecType to
print a document in emphasized, anything you print after that will be
emphasized unless you first turn the printer off and back on.
If you like NLQ or compressed well enough to use it most of the
time, you can turn it on and keep it on with a DIP switch in the back of
your printer. See Appendix D for instructions.
‘For more information on the typestyles in this chapter, see Chapters
3, 4, and 5.