User's Manual

Bid irec tional a d justment =
Pa use
Turns on the bidirectional adjustment mode, which allows you
to correct printing alignment problems. See “Using Bidirectional
Adjustment in Chapter 7 for details.
Hex d ump =
Lo a d / Eje c t + LF/ FF
Prints the data sent to the printer in hexadecimal code, which
helps experienced users determine the source of some printing
problems. SeeUsing Hex Dump Mode in Chapter 7 for details.
Default settin
Fo n t
Turns on the default-setting mode, which allows you to change
the printer’s default settings. For more information, seeUsing
the Default-Setting Mode” later in this chapter.
Quiet mode =
Fo n t + C o n d e n se d
Turns on the printers quiet mode, which lowers the noise level
during printing. For more information, see Using Quiet Mode
later in this chapter.
Adonis Rev.C
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Using the Control Panel