Quick Reference Guide

34 | Replacing the Wiper, Wiper Cleaner, and Flushing Pad
Replacing the Wiper, Wiper Cleaner, and Flushing Pad
Replace the wiper and wiper cleaner every six months, or when the front of the wiper cleaner starts to get
stained with ink. For the S50670/S70670, make sure you replace both wipers and wiper cleaners.
Replace the printer’s flushing pad every six months. You may need to replace it sooner if you notice ink
smears on your media or if you see dust from the media on the front of the pad. Use the replacement
flushing pad and plastic gloves that came in the Maintenance Kit.
Note: If you need more flushing pads, purchase an Additional Printer Maintenance Kit. See page 37 for ordering
Press the # Maintenance button, then select Head Maintenance and press OK.
2. Press OK again to move the print head to the cleaning position.
3. Open the right maintenance cover.