Warranty Statement

must be brought within 15 months of the date of
original purchase. Epson is not liable for
performance delays or for nonperformance due to
causes beyond its reasonable control. Except as
provided in this written warranty, neither Epson
nor its affiliates shall be liable for any loss,
inconvenience, or damage, including direct,
special, incidental or consequential damages,
including lost profits, cost of substitute equipment,
downtime, claims of third parties, including
customers, or injury to property, resulting from the
use or inability to use the Epson products,
whether resulting from a breach of warranty or
any other legal theory. Some jurisdictions do not
allow limits on warranties or remedies for breach
in certain transactions. In such jurisdictions, the
limits in this paragraph and the preceding
paragraph may not apply.
Arbitration, Governing Laws: Any disputes
arising out of this Agreement will be settled by
arbitration to be conducted before a single
arbitrator in Los Angeles, California, in
accordance with the commercial Arbitration Rules
of the American Arbitration Association, and
judgment upon the award rendered by the
arbitrator may be entered in any court having
jurisdiction thereof. This Agreement shall be
construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of California, except this arbitration clause
which shall be construed in accordance with the
Federal Arbitration Act.
In Canada, warranties include both warranties
and conditions.