User's Guide

LCD screen message Condition/solution
Platen Height Error The height detection sensor may have reacted to the uneven print surface of
the loaded T-shirt. Press the moveable base button to move the platen
Height sensor has
forward, adjust the height, and try printing again.
detected obstruction.
Press moveable base
Note: The proper platen height is one level down from when the height
to move the platen and
detection sensor reports an error.
check shirt height.
F/W Install Error Try the following:
Firmware update failed. Turn off the printer, wait for awhile, and turn on the printer again.
Restart the printer. Use Epson LFP Remote Panel 2 to try updating again.
If the message appears again, contact Epson for support.
Command Error Try the following:
Check print settings on
Press the cancel button to cancel the print job. Check that the installed
RIP software is compatible with the printer.
Make sure you have the latest firmware and are running the latest version
of Garment Creator software.
Information 10 minutes or more has passed since you started cleaning the cap or
replacing the head cleaning set. If the print head is out of position for more
Some time has passed
than 10 minutes, the nozzles could clog.
since operation began.
Finish task quickly; Finish cap cleaning or head cleaning set replacement as soon as possible,
nozzle check is then run a nozzle check to confirm that the nozzles are not clogged.
recommended once task
is complete.
Information If White ink cleaning is not performed for a certain period of time, print quality
may decline due to sedimentation (ink particles sinking to the bottom of the
Power On Cleaning is
liquid) and clogged nozzles. Clean the print head if the printer has been
off. Perform head
turned off for a long time.
cleaning if required.
Perform a nozzle check and selectively clean rows of nozzles that have
gaps. For White ink, use a medium level cleaning cycle; for Color ink, use a
light level cleaning cycle. Obtaining a quality print does not require all
nozzles to be firing.