Network Guide

Network Software 43
5. Confirm the information about the printer’s port you want to configure, and then click
The new printer port is created in your computer. To install the printer driver, see
“Installing the Printer Driver” on page 43.
Installing the Printer Driver
Install the printer driver that comes with your printer.
Some buttons in these steps may be slightly different depending on your operating system.
1. Insert the Software Disc shipped with the printer.
2. Close the installer screen if it appears.
3. On the Add Printer screen, click the Have Disk button. The Install From Disk dialog box
4. Click Browse.
Items Explanations
The port Information The following items are displayed:
- Port Name
- Host Name or IP Address
- Protocol
Finish button Register the port information to the system and close the Add
EpsonNet Print Port Wizard.
Back button Go back to the printer list window.
Cancel button Close the Add EpsonNet Print Port Wizard.