Product Support Bulletin

Product Support Bulletin
Subject: PriorityFax 1000 Equipment Error Codes
Date: 3/7/90 PSB No: P-0061
Page: 1 of 3 Originator: VB
This product support bulletin explains the procedure for reading and interpreting
PriorityFax 1000 (PF1000) error codes.
The PF1000 equipment error codes are listed under the “Error Codes” column in
Table 1.
When the PF1000 is in error mode, the buzzer sounds and the “ERROR’ LED
turns ON.
Simultaneously pressing and holding the “FINE/PHOTO” and the
“START/COPY” buttons until the buzzer stops sounding, sets the PF1000 into an
error code display mode.
In the error code display mode, the state of the “SENDING DOCUMENT”,
“RECEIVING DOCUMENT”, “FINE”, and “PHOTO” LEDs on the front panel reflect
the error condition of the PF1000. If an LED is ON it represents a “1”, if it is
OFF it represents a “0”.
error code.
Use Columns 0 through 7 of Table 1 to interpret the
The LEDs display the error code in 2 parts. The state of the “ADD PAPER” LED,
which changes in 5 second intervals, determines which part of the error code is
being displayed.
1. When the “ADD PAPER” LED is ON the “PHOTO”, “FINE”, “RECEIVE
DOCUMENT”, and “SEND DOCUMENT LEDs represent columns 0, 1, 2, 3
of Table 1.
2. When the “ADD PAPER” LED is OFF the “PHOTO”, “FINE”, “RECEIVE
DOCUMENT”, and “SEND DOCUMENT LEDs represent the columns 4, 5, 6,
7 of Table 1.