Owner's Manual

The DIP Switch Functions
Character sets and tables
DIP switches l-1, 1-2, and l-3 select an international character set or
a code page table based on the setting of DIP switch 1-4. When DIP
switch l-4 is off, DIP switches l-l, 1-2, and l-3 select an international
character set. When DIP switch l-4 is on, DIP switches 1-1, l-2, and
l-3 select a code page table.
Also, when DIP switch l-4 is off, the italics character table is
selected. When DIP switch l-4 is on, the Epson Extended Graphics
character table is selected.
These character sets and code page tables are in the appendix.
Printing direction
With unidirectional printing, the print head prints in one direction
only. This allows for precise vertical alignment, making it ideal for
printing graphics such as lines and boxes. When DIP switch l-5 is
on, the printer prints unidirectionally; when it is off, the printer
prints bidirectionally. Either setting can be overridden by a software
command (ESC U). To achieve precise vertical alignment without
the slower printing speed caused by unidirectional printing, see
your authorized service dealer for adjustment of your bidirectional
print settings.
High-speed draft
When DIP switch l-6 is off, high-speed draft is selected. When the
DIP switch is on, normal draft is selected. High-speed draft prints at
300 characters per second but produces characters that are not as
fully formed as the ones produced with normal draft. If you select a
feature such as emphasized, double-strike, or condensed in high-
speed draft mode, the printing speed temporarily switches to
normal draft speed until the enhancement is turned off. This allows
you to use any print enhancement without canceling high-speed
Using the Printer