Owner's Manual

Using the font
module, the
module’s fonts do
not print.
module is set,
The font module may not be fully
but the fonts in the
inserted in the slot. Check it and insert the
module do not print.
module properly if necessary.
Using an optional
interface, the printer
does not operate
The printer does not
print or the printout is
not what you expected.
The font module may be inserted the
wrong way. Align the ( ) marks on the
module and the slot and insert the
module properly. See Chapter 5.
The font in the module may not be
correctly selected. Select the slot by
pressing the
button on the control
panel. See Chapters 3 and 5.
If your program allows you to use control
codes, use ESC k command to select the
font. See Chapter 9.
The interface board may be loose or not
properly connected. Check that the
interface board is correctly inserted into
the connector on the main board. See
Chapter 5.