Product Support Bulletin

Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Virus Contamination of EISA Series Reference Diskette
Date: 12/04/92
PSB No: S-0149
Page(s): 1 of 1
Originator: KAS
The purpose of this bulletin is to notify you that some copies of the ElSA Series
Reference Disk #2 on 5.25” media may be contaminated with Michelangelo virus.
This virus has not been detected on 3.5” media or other diskettes.
This virus has been verified in the boot sector of revision 1.04 of the Reference
Disk #2 on 5.25” media. Please note that it is necessary to boot from this diskette
to cause infection of the system’s hard disk drive. Normal procedure is to boot only
from Reference Disk #1.
NOTE: Infection of the system’s hard disk drive may cause corruption of the
hard disk drive FAT file, if the virus is activated on Michelangelo’s
birthday, March 6. This may result in an inability to access data on the
hard disk drive.
A virus-free copy of Disk #2 is available on the Epson Product Support RBBS. It is
in the EISA File Library and is called REF2_N92.EXE. This file is a self-extracting
file. It should be downloaded with protocol (such as XMODEM) and then executed.