User's Manual

5-3 Examples of System Error Messages
System crash
The cursor cannot be moved and does not respond to the keyboard.
This could indicate a software crash. Mark where you are in your
document. Reboot your system and reload your software. Scroll the
cursor to where you last saved your data.
Retype the information up
to where the cursor could not be moved. Enter the rest of the data. If
the cursor continues to function normally, the problem was probably
caused by accidentally pressing the wrong key.
If the problem occurs
again, go over the same procedure.
If the problem persists, contact
your software dealer.
System does not boot
This can be caused by defective hardware or a faulty system disk.
Turn off your computer and try again. If unsuccessful, try using your
backup system disk because your working disk may be damaged.
the problem persists, you might have a hardware problem. You should
contact the dealer from whom you purchased your computer.
Monitor displays garbled, unrecognizable characters on the
This usually indicates the monitor is set to an incorrect baud rate. It
may be caused by software package operation or hardware malfunc-
Ask your computer dealer the correct baud rate for the computer’s
output board. Locate the baud rate switches on your monitor and reset
the baud rate.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting