User's Manual

Deleting your Diskettes and Files
You may want to erase diskettes or unnecessary files to make mom for
other data.
Erasing a diskette:
To erase a whole directory of files, type the following at the drive
A>del *.* <Enter>
All the files in the open directory are now erased.
Deleting a file:
To delete a single file, type the following at the drive prompt:
A>del filename.ext
<Enter> Or
A>erase filename.ext
Out What is on a Disk
lf you want to find out what files are on a disk, you can list its directory
by using the
<DIR> command.
lf you want to display the directory of
the disk in drive A, you would use the following command:
After you hit the enter key, all the file information will display on the
lf you use the
command without a drive letter, MS-DOS lists the
directory of the disk which was most recently accessed.
There are three ways to stop the screen from scrolling.
• pressing the <ctr> and the <S> keys simultaneously
• pressing <Pause>
• typing DIR/P see one screen each time
Chapter 3: Operating Your System