Instruction Manual

short.bk Rev_D
A5 size DOS.FM
9/8/00 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
Otsuka _______
N.Nomoto _______
R.Thomson _______
The Roman T and Sans Serif H fonts are available as proportionally
spaced fonts only.
Some of the character tables may not print when using the EPSON
Roman T and EPSON Sans Serif H fonts. In this situation, the
selected character tables are printed using the EPSON Roman font.
Using scalable fonts
The Roman, Sans Serif, Roman T, and Sans Serif H fonts can be
printed at sizes between 8 and 32 points, in 2-point increments.
The size can be set using your software or by sending an
ESC/P 2™ command. See the documentation that came with
your software for information on selecting the size of scalable