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* Insights report: “The way we work 2019”
Most professionals working in a business
that makes or takes a lot of calls – like
call centres or sales departments – use
a headset to do so; 72%* of them to be
exact. That’s why a awless communi-
cation experience is absolutely essential.
Considering that 40%* of modern
professionals are using their headset
for more than four hours a day, and
65%* will be spending more than half
of their day at their desks, we built
these premium headsets to feel great
all day long.
The IMPACT Line was crafted to enable
users to walk and talk, which 30%* of
call centre or sales professionals need
to do daily.
4 Hours/day
Need to walk & talk
Use a headset
Spend more than
half their day at desk
IMPACT headset solutions 7