Installation Guide

To turn off cooktop
1. You can turn the cooking zone off by adjust heat setting to
level 0, which indicator shows-.
2. You can also turn the whole cooktop off by touching the
ON/OFF control button.
Note: If there is power cut off during cooking, all setting will be cancelled.
Note: The cooling fan of induction cooktop will remain on for about 1 minute after
the cooktop be turned off.
Using Large Heating Area-Ceramic Cooktop
Some of ceramic cooktop models might have one or several extended cooking
zones (Oval/Dual/Triple zone), these extended zones can provide larger cooking
area and additional heat to fit for different size of cooking pan.
To use Extended zone when cooktop is working, follows below:
1. Select and active the cooking zone which you would like to
use extended zones, for those cooking zone with this feature.
1) For all models:
Touch the heating zone selection control button to select and
active it for adjustment.
2. The central zone will be switched on, when first adjust of heat
level for extended cooking zone.
3. When the heating zone be selected and active (power level
indicator flashing), touch extended zone control button
to active extended heating element to get a large heating area.
1. By continuous touch the control button, the extended zones
work at below consequence:
-Oval zone: Central-Oval-Central-Oval-Central zone…”
-Dual zone: Central-Dual-Central-Dual-Central zone…”
-Triple zone: Central-Dual-Triple-Central-Dual-Triple-Central zone…”
2. When Oval Zone or Dual Zone active, the LED indicator of it will
show heat setting and alternately ; When Triple Zone active,
the LED indicator of it will show power setting and alternately.