
Revision date: 26/07/2017 Revision: 0
Contact Treatment Grease
Advice on general
occupational hygiene
Wash promptly if skin becomes contaminated. Take off contaminated clothing. Wash
contaminated clothing before reuse. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
Wash at the end of each work shift and before eating, smoking and using the toilet. Change
work clothing daily before leaving workplace.
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Storage precautions Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10). Store in accordance with local
regulations. Keep only in the original container. Keep container tightly closed, in a cool, well
ventilated place. Keep containers upright. Protect containers from damage. Bund storage
facilities to prevent soil and water pollution in the event of spillage. The storage area floor
should be leak-tight, jointless and not absorbent.
Storage class Chemical storage.
7.3. Specific end use(s)
Specific end use(s) The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section 1.2.
SECTION 8: Exposure Controls/personal protection
8.1. Control parameters
8.2. Exposure controls
Protective equipment
Appropriate engineering
Provide adequate ventilation. Personal, workplace environment or biological monitoring may
be required to determine the effectiveness of the ventilation or other control measures and/or
the necessity to use respiratory protective equipment. Use process enclosures, local exhaust
ventilation or other engineering controls as the primary means to minimise worker exposure.
Personal protective equipment should only be used if worker exposure cannot be controlled
adequately by the engineering control measures. Ensure control measures are regularly
inspected and maintained. Ensure operatives are trained to minimise exposure.
Eye/face protection Eyewear complying with an approved standard should be worn if a risk assessment indicates
eye contact is possible. Personal protective equipment for eye and face protection should
comply with European Standard EN166. Unless the assessment indicates a higher degree of
protection is required, the following protection should be worn: Tight-fitting safety glasses.
Hand protection Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn if
a risk assessment indicates skin contact is possible. The most suitable glove should be
chosen in consultation with the glove supplier/manufacturer, who can provide information
about the breakthrough time of the glove material. To protect hands from chemicals, gloves
should comply with European Standard EN374. Considering the data specified by the glove
manufacturer, check during use that the gloves are retaining their protective properties and
change them as soon as any deterioration is detected. Frequent changes are recommended.
Other skin and body
Appropriate footwear and additional protective clothing complying with an approved standard
should be worn if a risk assessment indicates skin contamination is possible.
Hygiene measures Provide eyewash station and safety shower. Contaminated work clothing should not be
allowed out of the workplace. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Clean equipment
and the work area every day. Good personal hygiene procedures should be implemented.
Wash at the end of each work shift and before eating, smoking and using the toilet. When
using do not eat, drink or smoke. Preventive industrial medical examinations should be carried
out. Warn cleaning personnel of any hazardous properties of the product.