User Manual

Simulator Use
We recommend using your DXe transmitter with the Phoenix R/C Pro Flight
Simulator 5.5 (RTM5500). The simulator software includes the original
Apprentice and other trainer aircraft. Use the transmitter with the simulator
to practice and experiment with your aircraft without damaging your model.
To the new pilot:
This aircraft is easy to fl y and helps you apply beginner skills to fl ying;
however, we recommend you get help from a qualifi ed fl ight instructor for
your fi rst radio controlled fl ights. Some model fl ying clubs provide fl ight
training at their fl ying fi elds. Find a nearby fl ying club through your local
hobby shop. In the U.S., visit the Academy of Model Aeronautics at www. for more information on clubs and fl ight instruction.
To the fl ight instructor:
Feel free to experiment with the SAFE technology before instructing your
student on this aircraft. The progressive switch positions in the SAFE
technology are intended for a new pilot to learn with minimal instructor
assistance. We recommend using Channel 5 Switch Position 1 to instruct a
new pilot. Switch positions 0 and 2 may stabilize the aircraft more or less
than you desire for instruction purposes.
DXe Trainer Feature
Your DXe transmitter may be connected to another transmitter through the
trainer ports using a trainer cord (SPM6805, sold separately).
The DXe transmitter is ideal* as the master as it is compatible with all JR
or Spektrum transmitters when using this feature. Servo reversing and trims
must be the same on both transmitters.
This “buddy box” approach has helped many new pilots get the feel for
aircraft control with the close assistance of a fl ight instructor. Connecting
two transmitters enables your fl ight instructor to hold the master transmitter
while you hold the slave transmitter. While you learn to fl y, the instructor
holds the trainer switch to give you control of the aircraft. If you need help,
the fl ight instructor can release the switch to take control.
IMPORTANT: If a transmitter other than the included DXe is used for master or
slave, refer to Optional Transmitter Setup in this manual.
Flight Training
Trainer port
Trainer cord
Master Slave
Trainer Button