Install Manual

9 PCS Display Panel
9.1 LED Display Indicators
The PCS cabinet is equipped with a display panel that
provides indication of the following:
Battery Operating State
PCS Operating State
(out of) Service Indicator
Refer to section 9.2 for a complete definition of
indicator states.
To conserve energy, the LEDs will turn off after 5
minutes from being activated. They can be re-
activated by pressing the service button.
9.2 PCS display panel indicator summary
9.3 Service Button
The service button can be used to wake the LED display, and either place the system into or out of service mode, as well as
cycle through various operating modes. If the system has gone into service mode, the user can attempt to bring the
system back into normal operation using the service button.
Note: It is recommended to login to the EMS via web browser and retrieve the service code from the system prior
to attempting to clear the service mode.
Refer to
section 11 – Troubleshooting
if the service button does not perform the action requested.
LED Mode Definition
State of charge. Each LED represents 20%
. Solid =
battery idle.
Charge = flash right. Discharge = flash left.
Low battery.
Sleep / Standby mode.
Grid timing mode.
synchronization mode. Ten second test before grid
connect mode.
Grid connected mode.
System OK.
System out of service.
User initiated service mode.
Observed state Action Service button command
All panel lights off
Wake panel display
and release
Service light on
Exit service mode
Press and hold 5 seconds
: PCS display panel.
Battery SOC
Service button
PCS Operating Mode
Service Mode