Installation Guide

21ENIGMA AIR manual Ver 1 04/2016
To secure the Stopper (#05):
Apply the Thread Lock adhesive to the
threads of the set screws during the nal
installation. Fully tighten the set screws with
the supplied allen wrench.
Thread Lock Adhesive
Fig 31
Fig 30
28. Position the Stoppers (#05): Remove the set
screws from the Stoppers (#05) and apply Thread
Lock Adhesive (#20) to the threads. Re-insert the
set screws into the Stoppers (#09) and screw them
tightly to the Guide Rail (#04).
NOTE: The Stoppers (#05) must be positioned
correctly to prevent the handle from contacting the
Stationary glass (#02) and to stop the Glass door
(#03) in a position that allows the bumper strip to
create a seal with the wall, but does not allow the
door glass to bang into the wall.
See Fig 31 for details
27. Attach the Handle (#15) to the Door Glass (#03).
Attach the Anti-water strips (#13) to the edge of the Stationary panel glass (#02) and Door glass
(#03). Attach the Bumper seal strip (#14) to the handle side of the door glass.
See Fig 30 for details
NOTE: Cover the shower/tub drain with tape
prior to removing the set screws to prevent