Installation Guide
21ENIGMA AIR manual Ver 1 04/2016
To secure the Stopper (#05):
Apply the Thread Lock adhesive to the
threads of the set screws during the nal
installation. Fully tighten the set screws with
the supplied allen wrench.
Thread Lock Adhesive
Fig 31
Fig 30
28. Position the Stoppers (#05): Remove the set
screws from the Stoppers (#05) and apply Thread
Lock Adhesive (#20) to the threads. Re-insert the
set screws into the Stoppers (#09) and screw them
tightly to the Guide Rail (#04).
NOTE: The Stoppers (#05) must be positioned
correctly to prevent the handle from contacting the
Stationary glass (#02) and to stop the Glass door
(#03) in a position that allows the bumper strip to
create a seal with the wall, but does not allow the
door glass to bang into the wall.
See Fig 31 for details
27. Attach the Handle (#15) to the Door Glass (#03).
Attach the Anti-water strips (#13) to the edge of the Stationary panel glass (#02) and Door glass
(#03). Attach the Bumper seal strip (#14) to the handle side of the door glass.
See Fig 30 for details
NOTE: Cover the shower/tub drain with tape
prior to removing the set screws to prevent