Owner's manual

The descriptions in the later sections of this manual make reference to the text that appears on
the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). All possible permutations of text is printed, actual text shown
will depend on one or more parameter settings. The possible options printed here will be inside
a 'drop-down' menu. Where the LCD text is shown inside a shaded 'drop-down' menu, this implies
that the user has no direct control over this message, the M500 will decide which message to
display. A small 'serpentine' between two parameters denotes the range between the minimum
and maximum. The parameter obtained by rotating the encoder fully leftwards is always shown
at the top of the menu list.
For easy recognition of topics, different graphical 'icons' are used. Text inside a rounded rectangle
show that the text refers to a KEY press. For example MISC implies that the MISC button
should be pressed to be able to perform a certain function.
A word or phrase inside a shadowed menu refers to text that will be printed on the Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD). This is the name of a So for instance implies that the
Parameter SysLEVEL
parameter on the display window with the flashing cursor underneath is the system level.
Text or a number marked
LIKE THIS implies that this value or wording can be adjusted by the
operator by turning the rotary data knob.
Each button lists the parameters for adjustment working from the uppermost view screen through
to the lowest screen. Each parameter name can be found in the left hand margin. Screens are
scrolled up and down using the UP and DOWN arrow keys.
A warning triangle denotes important crucial information. These points must be
remembered in order to gain the best understanding of the M500 unit.
Before switching on the unit, ensure that the voltage selector adjacent to the mains inlet is set
correctly. If this requires changing, the unit should be disconnected from the mains during the
operation. If a fuse blows, replace with the same type and value as the one fitted.
When installing the M500, ensure that it is allowed sufficient ventilation and avoid mounting it
next to excessively hot pieces of equipment or devices emitting a strong magnetic field such as
is often the case with power amplifiers. If the unit is to be used in a mobile situation, it is strongly
recommended that the rear of the unit is supported in the carrying rack to avoid bending the front
panel rack mounting 'ears'.
Should the unit require cleaning, use a damp cloth with a little liquid detergent; do not use
thinners or spirit cleaners as these may attack the finish.
The inputs and outputs to the M500 are electronically balanced and would normally be connected
to your system via a patchbay. Should unbalanced operation be required, simply ground pin 3 on
all four XLR connectors. If earth loop hum problems are encountered, do not disconnect the
mains earth but instead, try disconnecting one end of the signal screen on the cables connecting
the M500 to the patchbay. If such measures are necessary, balanced operation is recommended.
The side-chain insert point is configured as a stereo jack socket wired tip return, ring send. This
point is unbalanced and would normally be connected to a normalised or semi-normalised pair
of patchbay contacts. For more information see the section marked SIDE CHAIN INSERT
The key input is configured as a mono un-balanced jack socket. Connection to a patch bay would
be optimum if the tip was grounded when not in use. The function of this input is restricted to the
After switching on, check the system operating level by pressing MISC and then using the
right-facing arrow to select in the display window. Turning the data control knob
allows the value to be switched between
-10dB and
+4dB and the setting appropriate to your
mixing desk should be selected. There is also a provision on this page to change the Liquid
Crystal Display screen contrast to suit your viewing angle.