
Page 8 MTC64 V2 User’s Guide
Additionally there are some GND pins available (JP8, JP9, JP10) between the double row
pin headers. GND is also available at JP5 (see below).
Remark: The GND reference level is required for connecting the devices controlled by the
MTC64 outputs.
(12) Pin Header JP6 / Jumper 1...8
MTC64 configuration
(MIDI channel, operation mode, offset) is adjusted with the 8
jumpers of the double row pin header JP6:
jumpers 1...4
of JP6 are used to define the
MIDI channel
Jumper 5
of JP6 is used to select the
Note/Control change
Program Change
(jumper 4 of JP7 decides if note or control change mode is chosen in the note/control
change setting).
Jumper 8
of JP6 is used
in the
note/control change mode:
to set the
note/control change offset
(i.e. the
MIDI note number or control change number assigned to the first output of MTC64) in
the note/control change mode to
in the
program change mode:
to set the
Program Offset
(i.e. the MIDI program
change number assigned to the first output of MTC64) to
jumpers 6
of JP8 are valid only in the note/control change mode and are used
transpose one octave up
(+12 semitones) or
(-12 semitones) the setting
adjusted with jumper 8. Instead of this a 3-position switch as
Octave Selector
may be
used. Consequently the note/control change offsets 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 are available.
(13) Pin Header JP7 / Jumper 1-5
The first three jumpers (1-3) of JP7 are unused so far.
Jumper 4 of JP7 has only a meaning if the note/control change mode is selected with jumper
5 of JP6 ! If program change is chosen this jumper has no meaning ! If this jumper 4 of JP7
is installed the
control change mode
is activated. If this jumper is not installed the
is activated (factory setting).
Jumper 5 of JP7 is used to adjust the
output polarity
If this jumper is removed the voltage appearing at the active output(s) is about +5V and
0V for the non active outputs (factory setting)
If this jumper is set the voltage appearing at the active output(s) is about 0V and
about+5V for the non active outputs.
(14) Pin Header JP5
JP5 is a 10 pin double row pin header. At four pins +5V are available. The remaining 6 pins
are connected to GND. The GND level is required for the connection to the device(s)
controlled by the MTC64 outputs (i.e. GND reference level for the 0/+5V outputs). The +5V
terminals may be used as an auxiliary +5V power supply with max. 100mA current (e.g. for
controlling 5mA LEDs in reverse mode with JP5=open as in the low state the MTC64 outputs
can sink a higher current than source in the normal mode, in this case the anodes of all
LEDs have to be connected to +5V and each cathode via a current limiting resistors ~1k to
the corresponding MTC64 output).