Owner's manual

DOEPFER System A-100 USB/Midi-to-CV/Gate A-190-4
6.2. Application of A-190-4 and Precision Adder A-185-2
In this application the A-185-2 is used to add up several voltages that are used to control the pitch of all VCOs that are
connected to the same bus board as the A-185-2:
CV1 is connected to one of the inputs of the A-185-2 without attenuator
CV2 is connected to the input of the A-185-2 to be able to adjust the pitch bend width. The output of the VCA is
connected to one of the inputs of the A-185-2 without attenuator. That way the Midi controller (e.g. modulation =
control change #1 resp the setting mod) is used for the modulation depth. If the A-145 is replaced by a VCLFO A-147
the CV2 of the A-190-4 may be used to control even the modulation frequency of the LFO.
The CV output of a sequencer A-155 can be connected to the remaining free input of the A-185-2. Then CV1 of the
A-190-4 is used to transpose the sequence of the A-155 via Midi.
Attention: In this application the bus CV jumper of the A-190-4 has to be removed
and the bus CV jumper of the A-185-2
has to be installed ! Otherwise a short circuit between both CV outputs will occure !
All rights reserved © 2014 Doepfer Musikelektronik GmbH Vers. 1.2/2014-05-14