Owner manual

DOEPFER System A-100 BBD Module A-188-2
Clock Filter
The BBD audio output is filtered by a low pass (e.g. A-108).
The frequency of the low pass filter follows the BBD clock
frequency as the CV output of the module A-188-2 is used
to control the frequency of the low pass filter. If both outputs
have to be filtered another low pass is required for the
second output.
An additional filter can be used at the audio input of the A-
188-2 to limit the frequency range of the processed audio
input signal.
Clocked or voltage controlled feedback type
The single outputs of the A-188-2 are patched to the inputs
of the addressed switch A-152. The common output of the
A-152 is patched to the feedback input of the A-188-2. The
CV or the clock input of the A-152 is used to switch between
different feedback types. If a sequencer is used for each
step of the sequence another feedback type can be chosen.
The digital output #7 of the A-152 is connected to the reset
input to limit the number of used steps to six.